NaNoWriMo - Day 006


Yesterday I failed to meet my word count again… But at least I wrote something. My hope is that in the weekend I will be able to catch up…

I have been trying to understand my characters better. Some people write extensive descriptions of everyone, with their birthdays, physical appearance, backstory… Others write an interview, I am trying something similar. Everyday in the bus, on my way to work, I imagine that one of my characters is sitting by my side and I try to have a conversation.

It’s an interesting exercise and believe that it is helping me get a better grasp of who they are.

I have also noticed that there is too much exposition disguised as dialogue on my story. “SHOW don’t tell” is much easier said them done…

What methods do you use to know your characters better? How do you make your characters do stuff, instead of just sitting around talking? I am having trouble with that… Maybe that’s because I rarely do stuff, my life is quite boring…


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