NaNoWriMo - Day 004


Yesterday I wrote a little less than 1667 words, but I had reached the and of a chapter and thought that would be a good place to stop. I think that is okay since I am still on schedule.

I followed my plan and wrote a chapter focused on Lyza, my main character. I believe that it worked, and I fell like I know her a little better now. This chapter is supposed to be scary but I don’t think I did a good enough job. I don’t read a lot of scary things so my technique is lacking (everything is lacking but there is nothing that I can do about for now…)

I also had a good idea about a villain, not the main villain of this book but the main villain of the series. I was having problems finding his “secret identity” last say, but now a think that I know what to do.

A talked about a series of books, but I plan to make this one stand on it’s on. My main inspiration is the “Harry Potter” series, all books are part of a main storyline but each of then revolve around a different mystery.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the first book I remember reading because I wanted too, not because I was told to do so. The series is a big part of my childhood and a great source of inspiration too!

Do you have a series of books, or a single book that you loved as a child and still love today?

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