NaNoWriMo - Day 002


Success! Yesterday I was able to catch up if my word count count goal, I even went a little further and wrote 285 extra words! Only 46381 words left to go!

That’s the good news, the bad news is I have already come across a serious problem. I had a scene with a heavy exposition, so I decided to make divide it in two, that also worked towards giving the main character time to think about what she had learned and decide for herself if she was going to believe it or not, so far so good. But here is the problem, in order to make that happen my main character, she is called Lyza, went from terrified to death to angry in what I believe should be more or less 5 minutes… I don’t think that’s realistic.

I will not rewrite this scene now, I believe that if I stop every time I find a problem I will never be able to finish anything… My plan is to just write until the end of November, do some research on December and start revisions on January.

For some reason I am not able to make my NaNoWriMo word counter work correctly…  when I edit my word counts by day NaNoWriMo just sets my total to zero, even though the plot show the right values… weird.

How is your novel going? Do your character goes trough unrealistic mood swings too?

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