NaNoWriMo - Day 001


Day one went better than I was expecting. I thought that by word 500 I would give up, but no,  in fact I only stopped because It was late and I needed to sleep. Still, 964 is less than my daily goal of 1667 and that’s a problem. Luckily for me I will have more free time today, so I should be able to catch up.

As I said before and did not make an outline but writing some ideas down helped me get a better grasp of the world and characters. I read lots of times before about how caring a notebook around helps in creative projects but I had never tried. To me it seems that when you write an idea down an idea it opens up space in your mind to news ones. I will try to keep this habit for now on.

How is your NaNoWriMo going, reaching your daily goals?

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