Cover and Synopsis

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This is my first idea for the cover of my novel, what do you think about it? I should probably be working on the story instead of the cover but the empty rectangle on the NoNoWriMo page was annoying me…

This year I will be a Pantser! No time to waste with outlines, raw untamed creativity is the way to go, MUAHAHAAHHAHAHA!

This is the synopsis of what I am thinking about writing.

The Black Cat

Liza is physics major and although her studies are going more or less okay she is not happy with her life. She doesn’t have any friends, her life is boring and the solitude is starting to weight on her. This all change on a snowy night when, out of pure boredom, she decides to follow a peculiar black cat into the night.

Is it great or does it suck, let me know! Some idea of what this story is about?

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