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This year I have decided to participate on NaNoWriMo (in NaNoWriMo?). For those of you that don’t know, NaNoWriMo is a sort of … contest? The objective is to write a complete novel, 50000 words or more, during the month of November. Everybody that is able to do so is considered a winner. You can find their Wikipedia page HERE and their website HERE.

Fifty thousand words, thirty days, 1667 words per day. That’s a lot of words! It takes me about 1 to 1.5 hour to write 500 words so I don’t know if I will be able to complete the 50000 words, but I am going to try.

For years and years I have been thinking about writing a book, or at least some short stories but I have never finished anything… After the first page my ideas seems to just dry out, and I don’t know what to do… But now I believe to have found the answer, when your ideas dry out… you keep on writing! Waiting for the muse is a mistake that a lot of beginners seem to make, me included.

NaNoWriMo provides a clear objective and a community of people to help you keep motivated, so I have decided to participate and see how things go.

I will try to post something here or at least tweet everyday to keep you informed about my progress and experience, so if you are interested make sure to keep following me!

If you wish to join me on NaNoWriMo HERE is my profile. Why “Kage the One and Only” you may ask? Well it seems that some insolent fool has dared to steal my great name, so I thought it would be appropriate too make it very clear that I, and only I am Kage, the One and Only.

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